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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I Have A Dream

Hello, it is I, the eggplant. I have come out of my summer hibernation to give you an important message. A few nights ago, I had a spectacular dream. This was a dream for the ages. The best dream of all dreams. This is what happened...

In the beginning, I was at a sleepover with some of my friends. I don't remember a lot of that part. Then, my dream did a jump-cut to me at a bar. Suddenly, I walked up to David Tennant (best known as the 10th doctor in Doctor Who and also my soul mate) and started making out with him. Like I pushed him against a wall and started making out with him. It was great. But that's not even the best part. Cause then I started making out with Jensen Ackles (Dean Winchester on Supernatural. Duh) and THEN we started sword fighting. In a little glass cage just like in Taylor Swift's Bad Blood music video, and I think I was actually wearing Taylor's outfit, like the braid and everything. It was so cool. And they tasted good. Anyway...

Watch Bad Blood if you please
Thank you.

-Your friendly neighborhood Squash

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