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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

So this is a blog?

I'm still a bit confused about the whole "blogging" thing but my friend has one and it looks like fun (www.whythinks.blogspot.com go check it it's hilarious and the perfect place to waste hours), so. I don't know what I could possibly talk about, as I have a very dull life that is only occasionally pierced by a slightly interesting thing happening. Most of those things are my friends existing. And by that I mean the fact that they exist and aren't just figments of my imagination, like some of my friends. Isn't that right, Miss. Acorn? They tried to lock me up once-well twice-well three times-well four times-well...a few times, but Miss. Acorn broke me out. Anyway.
     So, if you're reading this, don't be expecting anything especially life enhancing to come out of the experience. The majority of my blog posts, especially during the summer, will probably be 3 am musings and rambling. Some involving Harry Potter. Most involving Harry Potter, or possibly Doctor Who, or possibly Taylor Swift, whichever I'm most obsessed with at the time. Anywho,(which, by the way, I NEVER EVER EVER say, On principle) I feel like this is getting long/boring but thanks to anyone who's reading this and um, yes.

     -Your friendly neighborhood Eggplant

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