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Monday, June 8, 2015

OTP Prompts cause those are fun

Hey, so I thought I would help out the community by making this post, because otp prompts are a lot of fun. They're also important, because there are many unfortunates who have the potential to be writing amazing fanfiction, but have no ideas. So here are some AUs (alternate universes) and regular prompts that I have come up with, and links to other pages with more of them.

My AU Prompts:
  1. Your Otp as time travelers AU
  2. Person A is a flight attendant, and person B is flying on the plane. They connect and talk while flying, when all of a sudden the plane begins to crash. They comfort each other as it goes down. Whether they live or die, and what happens between them, is up to you.
  3. Imagine your OTP living as ponies in Equestria.
  4. Person A is a witch/wizard, but Person B doesn't know about it yet. One day Person B walks in on them practicing magic.
  5. Imagine your otp in the '20s.
  6. 'We're total strangers but I just had a mental breakdown in front of you and now we're having a long deep conversation about the things that stress us out and our dreams that we can never achieve and other things like that" AU
Regular Prompts:
  1. Imagine your otp going shopping together for the first time and Person A finding out all about little quirks that Person B has.
  2. Imagine your otp going trick or treating. Do they wear couple's costumes? Which one is ridiculously excited by the prospect of free candy? Which one is embarrassed about walking up to stranger's houses and asking for candy? Which one tries to make friends with everyone they see? Which one would rather have gone to a party? Who's neighborhood do they trick or treat in?
  3. Imagine your otp having an innocent pillow fight that turns into an absolute war.
  4. Imagine your opt watching horror movies together and Person A is terrified but won't admit it, while Person B isn't scared at all and think's A's reaction is adorable.
  5. Imagine your otp having a study session that quickly turns into an intense make-out session.
  6. Imagine your otp going to a concert together for the first time.
  7. Imagine your otp singing karaoke together, and Person A has to guilt/pressure Person B into doing it, but they both end up having an amazing time.
  8. Imagine Person A convincing Person B to get a pet
  9. Imagine your otp cuddling up during a thunderstorm
  10. Imagine person A of your otp sitting on person B's lap while they play Mario Kart.
  11. Imagine your otp going out on a friendly camping trip but only remembered to bring one sleeping bag. After a night of sleeping so close together, they admit their feelings for each other in the morning.
  12. Imagine your otp stuck at the top of a Ferris wheel after they've had a fight.
  1. www.otpprompts.tumblr.com
  2. www.otpoftheday.tumblr.com
  3. www.otpsituations.tumblr.com
  4. www.otpdisaster.tumblr.com
  5. www.insert-otp-here.tumblr.com
Yes, I realize that these are all on tumblr, but that's basically where all the good prompts are.


  1. Ahh I love these!!!!!!
    What's your otp??????
    I love these so much!!!!!

  2. Awww thank you :)
    My main OTP would have to be Jily, although I really have dozens. <3


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