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Saturday, June 6, 2015

"I'm Coming For You"

I am writing this post so that the scientists of the future know how I have died and they can correctly analyze my dead body. The other day I found a note on my phone that I don't remember writing, but it said it was written on April 19. I'd never noticed it before. The note said, and I quote:
I'm coming for you.
There's nothing you can do
Even if it keeps my broken heart from fleeting
Your blood will spill so true
Hope you don't have the flu
'Cause then everyone will too

I asked all of my friends that I'd seen since April and they all said they didn't write it, so I genuinely have no idea where it came from. I am actually terrified at this moment in time, but I take comfort in knowing that the nonexistence readers of this blog will know the truth. That is all. Thank you.

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