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Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Ok I realize I haven't posted in about a month and that that's a long time. But I have reasons. Allow me to disclose them for you now
•Stuff hasn't really been happening in my life. Nothing interesting to blog about anyway.

That's it, that's the reason. Did I imply that there were than one? Whoops. That was a big fat lie. Yeah I've just been having a relatively boring life recently. Although my best friend just came down from Oklahoma which is suuuuuuper exciting cause I don't get to see her often. Let's see, what else has been happening...

•I ordered two novelizations of Avenger's comic books and they came today and I caNNOT WAIT TO READ THEM
•I read lots of painful Harry Potter headcannons and my love for Sirius subsequently strengthened
•I got 3 and a half hours of sleep and then waterskiied the next morning
•I got a new poster thing from Books A Million that's turquoise and vintage looking with a purple hat that says "we're all mad here" and I really love it a lot
•I discovered that I don't hate the word "Lover" as much as I used to
•I've been hardcore internet stalking my friend's friend who got annoyed when I texted him obsessively every minute of the day (I know, I don't get it either)
•I felt bad about not posting anything on here
So thanks guys. I have literally 2 regular readers (that I know of...) and I felt guilty for not posting. And one of them I've seen dozens of times since the last post!! Www.whythinks.blogspot.com go read her blog it's great

I hope you've been surviving without my unhelpful (but honestly pretty entertaining) posts. I promise to post sooner next time. Maybe I'll share some headcannons or fanfic with you soon. yAy! :D

-A purple alien monster who's only here to help

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