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Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ahhhhh school

Wow, ok it's been like 25 million years since I posted. The last time I posted, dinosaurs were alive. The last time I posted, America wasn't even a concept. The last time I posted, the Sherlock fandom was slightly sane-ok that last one's a bit of an exaggeration. But I realize that it's been forever, and I'm sorry. But this time, I actually have a good and proper excuse. School.

Yup, that's right, for the last almost three weeks, I've been having to endure a special hell reserved for children and teenagers known as "School". (It actually hasn't been that bad for me-not yet at least) Now, this year, the phenomenon known as "Going Back To School" was especially terrifying for me, as I had spent the last two years doing Virtual School, which meant that all my classes were online. Needless to say, having to now go to a real school, with actual other people, actual teachers who might hate me/be incompetent, an actual schedule I have to follow, seven whole classes to navigate and figure out and get used to sitting through, ugh it was horrible. I was so nervous on the first day I was literally shaking.

I quickly realized, however, that even though there is a plethora of idiots, and some annoying teachers, and some horrifically boring subjects, there are a few nice people whom I get along with, and a few teachers who seem to actually know what they're doing. So that's reassuring.

So far the worst part about my entire school day has been waking up, and I don't even have to get up early. whiCH LEADS ME TO ANOTHER RANT!

For some stupid reason, some absolute spork (Yes I am using the name of a decidedly stupid eating utensil as an insult) decided that it would be a good idea for middle schools to start at 9:30. Now, you're probably going "Heather, why would you possibly be complaining? Isn't it great that you don't have to wake up for school insanely early?" It is. What's not great about it, though, is that we still have to be there for 6 hours and 45 minutes. Which means we don't get out until 4:15. Which is WAY TOO FREAKING LATE TO GET OUT OF SCHOOL OMG

Seriously it's ridiculous and annoying and horrible and I don't like it, and I would much much much much rather have to wake up at like 7:30 and get out at 2 because that just seems a lot more reasonable.

As for my teachers, I like them alright, they seem like they'll be ok teachers, if not wonderful people. Not that they like, murder people or anything, just that they're all a little weird. But anyway.

So yeah, I'm sorry that I haven't posted in 50 billion decades, I'll try to post more, I probably won't post a whole lot, because while I'm not in the hellhole :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I have to do homework. Come to think of it, I'm avoiding homework right now. Whoops. But I will try.

See you later internet.

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